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Polski Związek Radioorientacji Sportowej

Eighth IARU Region 2 ARDF Championships
and Fifteenth USA ARDF Championships
August 2015
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Early registration is now open for the 2015 USA and IARU Region 2 ARDF Championships, which will take place during the last week and weekend of August.  The site will be Peaceful Valley Scout Ranch, a beautiful 3300-acre facility at 7000 feet elevation, about 40 miles southeast of downtown Denver and 30 miles northeast of Colorado Springs.  Events will include classic competitions on two meters and eighty meters, plus sprints and foxoring, all on excellent orienteering maps.

An optional ARDF "training camp" will take place on Monday through Wednesday, August 24-26, just prior to the championships.  Separate morning and afternoon sessions are being planned for each day.  Participants can attend as many sessions and days as they wish.  These practices will concentrate on taking reliable bearings, interpreting reflected signals, determining the likely control locations, course strategies, route choices, and other essentials for doing well.

The training venues will be separate from the weekend competition areas.  The training courses are expected to be shorter than competition courses, and will be suitable for first-timers as well as experienced radio-orienteers.

Classic two-meter and 80-meter competitions, as well as foxoring and the sprints, will take place at the Scout Ranch.  The Event Information Page ( includes the schedule, transmitter frequencies, directions, plus details about maps, transportation, lodging, ranch rules, weather and much more.

To insure your place at the championships, register online now.  Every adult and youth entering PVSR must be registered, including competitors, spectators, officials and volunteers, so that a daily head count can be provided to PVSR staff.  Go to for registration instructions.

Please pass this message along to anyone interested in on-foot hidden transmitter hunting.

Thanks and 73,
Joe Moell K0OV
ARRL ARDF Coordinator

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